Job Description - 9/3 마감 !!

영어 능통 필수 !!

구강용품 브랜드 글리스터 담당 본사조직 마케터입니다. 치약 등 구강용품 관련 마케팅 경력이 있으면 가장 좋고 아니더라고 바디케어, 퍼스널케어 마케터로 영어능통자로 부탁드립니다. 과차장급이며,. 로컬아니고 글로벌 포지션입니다.

-Develops and executes multi-year Oral Care brand/marketing strategies, including: 1. Oral Category/portfolio planning (includes discontinuing underperforming products), 2. Oral Care Brand positioning/claims, 3. Develop new Oral Care Products 4. Marketing plans and Develop Creative Assets (Creatives, Digital, Social Content, advertising, media, promotion, packaging, PR), 4. Product pricing, 5. Collaboration with cross-functional areas including PM, Tech Reg, I&S, Manufacturing, and Markets, 6. Keenly sense competitors’ moves and product trend etc.

-Develops profitable brands and products that are consumer preferred: 1. Leads product/formula/ packaging innovation, 2. Ensures a balanced, consistent innovation pipeline/launch cadence, 3. Leads cross functional efforts toward new product/packaging (new technology.etc.), 4. Leads development of launch plans, 5. Defines learning needs and lead market research 6. Create ABO/ Consumer Product ExperiencesIdentifies and drives opportunities to increase profitability:-Defines and delivers profitability & other financial objectives-Drives cross-functional initiatives that decrease cost and increase profitability-Drives and supports value chain initiatives.

Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:Thorough grasp of the following core skill set:-Knowledge of brand management principles and practices-Knowledge of brand strategy development-Knowledge of Oral Care Product Development-Analytical and market research skills-Strategic planning skills-Oral and written communications skills-Proficient at English in both Written and Speaking-Interpersonal skills-Ability to interact positively and professionally with team members and clients from globally diverse cultural backgrounds


영어 능통 필수 !!

근무지 : 서울 삼성동 아셈타워

업종/규모 : 외국계 기업 (총직원 300명 이상)

직무 : Global Marketing _ Oral Care Marketer

채용사유 : 업무확장으로 인한 추가채용


2 ~ 3회